Second, I got a great review (5 tombstones) from Bitten by Books

I absolutely loved it and cannot wait to look for more by Ms. Locke. Marian has been hurt by a man that does not deserve to breathe. He has pretty much verbally abused her by saying she did not satisfy him and was not sexy enough. In comes Jon who knows how to make a woman smile and shows her that she is indeed sexy. The pages sizzle during these loves scenes. They are intense but it works well with the story line and does not seem like just sex. All I know is that I wish my house was haunted.
Since this, my first book, is paranormal, I planned to write nothing but paranormal from now on. Plans change. You see, I have a hard time sticking to one of anything in life. One pair of shoes, one favorite color, one man (just kidding)!
As soon as Cicada was published, I got an idea for a futuristic menage, of all things. (Energy is under contract!) While I was researching space for that book, I got another idea for a futuristic and am currently polishing that manuscript up.
But now I have a reviewer who is eagerly awaiting my next paranormal. Guess I'd better get busy writing the one I have planned. After that, I want to try Fantasy, Older Woman/Younger Man, and I have one idea so weird I don't know what genre it is!
I don't think I'll ever be able to stick to one genre. Variety is the spice of my life. But luckily I love those genres so much I plan to write several of each. That should keep everyone happy, including me.
Afton Locke
Unlock your darkest fantasies and brightest dreams… (check out my Thursday Ask Afton column for relationship advice)
Cicada - available from EC - paranormal/BDSM erotic romance
Unlock your darkest fantasies and brightest dreams… (check out my Thursday Ask Afton column for relationship advice)
Cicada - available from EC - paranormal/BDSM erotic romance