With Halloween right around the corner and the upcoming release of my erotic, ghostly romance, Cicada, I thought it would be a good time to write about ghostly encounters.
It's one thing to read about ghosts but quite another to come face to face with a real, live (er...dead) spook. I recently attended a lecture about ghost hunting. It was fascinating to learn all about the techniques and equipment and even hear some recorded clips. For example, when a ghost hunter first enters a supposedly haunted site, he/she checks the area for electromagnetic frequencies. Then he/she asks the ghost a direct question like "why are you here?" or "what do you want?"
So have you ever had a ghostly encounter? Share your experiences.
Yes, I have had a few unexplained encounters, but the one that shook me up happened last summer. I was hiking in the same woods where I've been a zillion times. It was a beautiful summer day.
As we approached a crossroads in the trail, my dog stopped and alerted. No big deal. She does that all the time, so my husband and I stopped to let her sniff and explore. Everything grew silent. Then this really horrible feeling came over me, wrapping itself around me like a shroud. I've never experienced anything like it before or since. The hairs literally went up on the back of my neck. It was like a scene from a horror movie when everything is shown in reverse video.
Everything looked normal, though, until I saw some sort of pale-blue lighted orb about 1-2 feet above the ground at the crossroads. Then it went out like a light being turned off. I didn't investigate. Wimp that I am, I turned tail and ran out of the woods, dragging everyone with me. For days I couldn't even look at woods without feeling scared out of my wits.
Maybe it was a lightning ball. I just know it was SOMETHING.
Afton Locke
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Cicada -- coming 19 November 2008 from Ellora's Cave
Unlock your darkest fantasies…
Cicada -- coming 19 November 2008 from Ellora's Cave